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是什麼使OG 產品如此特別? 就是這種被稱為靈芝的成分。 這是這款神奇成分背後的故事,以及這種菌類產品來自何處… http://tanminchun.myorganogold.com/tw-zh/ganoderma/

Coffee has always been the staple food for people across the whole world. With around 80% of people above age of 18 consuming the drink every day. Some begin their day with it while some consume their favourite drink to end the long day’s fatigue. To fulfil the needs and demand of ever growing coffee and tea market three entrepreneurs setup an international marketing company Organo Gold, a network of distributors to provide premium gourmet beverages, nutraceuticals and personal care products.


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>> Light. Years ahead.  <<


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